We are informed by L. Piso, that when M. Æmilius and C.
Popilius were consuls, for the second time,[1] the censors, P.
Cornelius Scipio and M. Popilius, caused all the statues
erected round the Forum in honour of those who had borne
the office of magistrates, to be removed; with the exception of
those which had been placed there, either by order of the
There are still extant some declamations by Cato, during his censorship, against the practice of erecting statues of women in the Roman provinces. However, he could not prevent these statues being erected at Rome even; to Cornelia, for instance, the mother of the Gracchi, and daughter of the elder Scipio Africanus. She is represented in a sitting posture, and the statue is remarkable for having no straps to the shoes. This statue, which was formerly in the public Portico of Metellus, is now in the Buildings of Octavia.[3]